What's Brewing at Saltwater Brewery
Our canning line and labeler have been hard at work, getting Coffee Sea Cow Milk Stout canned and ready for tomorrow's release! Brewed with real coffee from Pumphouse Coffee Roasters, this special canned release is smooth and rich, with chocolately and nutty roast from the Peruvian and Sumatran custom blend. Available in the Tasting Room starting tomorrow at noon!
Our team is heading all over the place this weekend for a bunch of market events. Whether you are in Charleston, Jacksonville, Orlando, Miami, or locally here in Palm Beach, there is something for everyone. Here is everything going on over the next few days:
Breaking Down Plastic Summit, Charleston, SC, March 30: President and Founder, Chris Gove is speaking on a panel about problems and solutions to plastic pollution. Buy tickets here.
CCA Orlando BBQ & Auction, Orlando, March 31: A jazz-themed barbecue and banquet, with beer sponsored by Saltwater Brewery. All proceeds benefit Coastal Conservation Association. Buy tickets here.
Papa's Annual Craft Crawl "Hop Before You Crawl", Lighthouse Point, April 1: Sample beer from 27 breweries pouring over 75 beers. Buy tickets here.
Shrimp & Suds Craft Beer Festival, Jacksonville, April 1: Beer festival benefitting the Jacksonville USO. Buy tickets here.
Sprung! Spring Beer Festival, Miami, April 1: The second largest craft beerfest in South Florida, this event is not only about craft beer, but the craft beer lifestyle and showcases the lighter side of the beer world. Buy tickets here.
Brew at the Zoo, West Palm Beach, April 1: Drink local beer from 25+ Florida breweries, and save wildlife! Buy tickets here.