What's Brewing at Saltwater
Exciting news! Saltwater Brewery is now officially available throughout the entire state of Florida! Check your local Publix, Total Wine, ABC Liquors, Crown Liquors and many more independent and local stores! You can also find our beer and see which distributor sells in your area by visiting the About page of our website.

Join us this weekend in the Reef Room for our monthly Sunday Brunch! Featuring a customized brunch menu from Rolling Chefs Food Truck, paired with Saltwater special releases like Peanut Butter Cookie Stout! Brunch begins when we open at noon, and Live Music with Eric Ryan starts at 1pm.

Lastly, here is a write-up from an awesome project we were involved in earlier this summer with RECOVER Consortium at the University of Miami (by Dan DiNicola, Outreach Team Coordinator):
This past June, a team of scientists from the RECOVER consortium at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric science set out on a three-day research cruise to satellite tag mahi-mahi off the coast of Miami. These scientists are investigating the impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill on these economically and ecologically important fish. Co-Founder of Saltwater Brewery, Peter Agardy was able to join us in aiding the project on the fishing vessel helping catch and provide the live mahi to the research vessel.
Lela Schlenker, the experiments lead scientist explained, “the pop-up satellite archival tags or PSATs will collect important temperature, depth, and migration data over 96 days." This information will provide her and the rest of the team with clues on how and where these fish travel. Notably, the tags will also collect acceleration data that will be used to determine if the fish are spawning when coupled with previous data of mahi-mahi tagged in captivity.
Mahi-mahi are a challenging species of fish to work with for a variety of reasons and to increase the survivability of the tagged fish, the team attempted something new. After the mahi-mahi were tagged, they were immediately moved into recovery tanks onboard the ship for 24 hours. This gave the researchers ample time to monitor their condition and ensure they were healthy enough to be released.
The researchers from RECOVER used the experience of local fishing charter the Miss Britt as well as local anglers – like Peter Agardy from Saltwater Brewery - to help with the capture and transfer process.
"It was a privilege to be invited to help with this project. Bringing my angling experience to the table in the name of science was a first for me and I really look forward to following the success of this awesome project run by a group of amazing people," said Peter Agardy.
After the three-day trip, nine mahi-mahi were successfully tagged and released. The RECOVER team will now have to wait until the tags automatically detach, float to the surface, and send the information back to the lab.
"We worked with Recover in the past on advocacy and education for their program, but we were elated to provide hands-on help and we look forward to helping more in the future." - Peter Agardy.