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Red Sea Rhino Release And Rhino Doughnut Party!

Tonight Rhino Doughnuts will be at the brewery. We will have beer and doughnut pairings. You will get a mini doughnut and sample of beer for $2. Also we will have a limited (50) growler release of Red Sea Rhino. This is our Dark Roast Vanilla Cofffee Milk Stout aged on dark and sweet cherries. Limit 1 per person. $20 for fill and 32 oz growler, $15 for 32 oz fill only. Growler sales start at 5, but Red Sea Rhino will start pouring at 12. We also have our Sea Rhino (dark roast vanilla coffee milk stout), Pumpkin Puffer Stout, and our Sea Cow Milk Stout on tap for all you stout lovers.